Apex Action Sponsors Jubilee “Design a Crown” Competition
Apex Action sponsored a “Design a Crown” competition this month, donating the Grand Draw Prize of tickets for a family of four to Legoland, Windsor Resort! The competition was run by Avalon School, Wirral, as part of their whole school celebrations held on Wednesday 25th May, to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
For the competition children had to design and make a crown to wear during the Royal Parade held on the day. Designs could be futuristic or traditional – the more creative the better! Every child who made a crown was given a ‘Royal Ticket’ to enter the Grand Prize Draw.
The lucky winner was Mollie who made a golden gem encrusted crown. She was able to show off her prize from the embellished throne situated between an array of balloons!
The day also saw pupils come to school dressed in red, white, and blue, and celebrate with a street style Jubilee lunch. They played 1950’s style street and playground games, as well as having a Zoom call with elderly residents of “The Old Garden” to participate together in the singing of songs, including of course, the National Anthem.
In addition, to commemorate this truly special day, all the children received a Platinum Jubilee Pin Badge.
Jo Callaway, Headteacher at Avalon School commented;
“The whole school had a thoroughly wonderful day from our amazing street party style lunch to playing 1950’s style games, culminating in all the children and staff celebrating with the Royal Parade. What a fantastic day!”
“Apex Action” is Apex’s volunteering & funding initiative for school & community projects. They are always up for a challenge & doing something a bit different! If you’d like to see whether they can support your project contact Debbie on debbie.snelson@apexconnected.com or call 01925 202315 to discuss further.