Apex Pledges To Make Good Grow!
Apex are delighted to have become a Make Good Grow Good Business. We’ve pledged to supply a free refurbished Konica Minolta copier to a Good Cause! We will deliver, install, and set it up. And there is an option for on-going service support.*
Fellow members of the Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, Make Good Grow is all about making a difference to Good Causes. The online Make Good Grow “Pledge Marketplace” enables Good Businesses to post products, services, and other support they can offer for the benefit of Good Causes. Good Causes (charities and community organisations), are then encouraged to browse the support on offer – and basically go shopping for free!
Make Good Grow is the brainchild of Nigel Shanahan, who as the former business owner of Rant and Rave, recognised that many of his team were happy to use their skills to help good causes solve their business problems but could not always find the right projects or opportunities. Hence Make Good Grow was born.
Initially launched in the Warwickshire and the West Midlands region, it has now started to branch out nationally. It has evolved considerably since the initial matchmaking concept. The Pledge Marketplace revolutionises the way that businesses can help and support Good Causes and since launching the e-commerce style platform in February 2022 they have already welcomed more than £320k worth of pledges to the site from altruistic businesses like Apex Connected.
In addition is the Make Good Grow Podcast – Behind the Cause, which puts leaders of Good Causes in the spotlight, looking at the highs and lows of running an organisation, personal achievements, and the biggest challenges in the sector today.
Richard Lamb, Apex’s Sales Director commented;
“When we heard about Make Good Grow, we knew it was right up our street! We are thrilled that we’ve already had two Pledge matches and are installing copiers for them both shortly.
Apex has always been committed to giving back to good causes. Through Apex Action, our own funding and volunteer initiative, we’ve undertaken school garden makeover projects, bought football bibs, tickets for Lego Land, raised £1000’s for nominated charity Cheshire Without Abuse, and much more.
We are delighted to be sitting alongside other Good Businesses such as Twycross Zoo, Coventry Building Society, Warwickshire County Cricket Club, 1 Mill Street, and Wasps sporting professionals. All with a common goal – to make good grow!”.
If you are a business who wants to Make Good Grow find out more and sign up via their website today www.makegoodgrow.com
* Terms and conditions apply.