Apex Volunteer Day
a “Tree-mendous” Success!
On Friday 28th April 2017, the Apex Action team took to the road to visit Pikemere Primary School in Alsager, to undertake a tree planting day. Ably assisted by Emmaline a parent governor, her husband Chris, and the pupils, we spent the day planting a selection of trees within the school grounds.
The children thoroughly enjoyed getting their gloves on to mix compost and bone meal, scooping up the soil and jumping in the holes to pat it down around the new trees, and assisting with watering.
To help the pupils learn more about the importance of trees and caring for our environment a variety of fact sheets were available. Also on site was the Apex Landy, our Land Rover defender that has been lovingly restored as part of our “reuse, renew, re-purpose” philosophy.
Louise Gohr, Headteacher and Ann Kowalska, School Business Manager at Pikemere School commented:
“The children had a lovely day planting trees and learning about the environment. They learnt how to look after the plants and trees they planted and the benefits of reusing and recycling. We are very grateful to Apex Connected for organising this event and donating their time to our school.”
As a responsible business which cares about the planet and education, tree dedications are our way of giving something back and thanking our clients for each copier or multi-function device purchased. The Apex Volunteer Planting Day is just one of the many “sleeves rolled up” activities we have planned for this year.
Each year we give 10% of our profits to charity, and we plant a tree for every device we sell. If you have an environmental or educational project you think the Apex Action team can assist with, we’d love to hear from you. Call us on 01948 302066 or e-mail debbie.snelson@apexconnected.com