Apex Action Supports Students to Learn the Art of Sales
On Friday 16th March Apex’s Commercial Manager, Debbie Snelson spent the morning with students at Springfield School in Crewe to introduce a career in sales. Springfield School provides an inclusive setting for children aged 4 – 18. Pupils have access to a range of specialist learning environments including multi-sensory rooms, an ICT suite, school library, a hydrotherapy pool, sports & swimming pool, trampoline & multi-gym & a chat & chill café environment.
As part of the student’s Exploring Work programme run by Helen Pullan & Vicky Edwards of Safe Opportunities, Debbie delivered an Introduction to Sales course. Using role play the students enjoyed an interactive session learning a range of sales skills including greeting & introducing themselves to customers, identifying customer needs, selecting the correct product, pricing & agreeing a sale.
Helen Pullan, Director of Safe Opportunities commented;
“It was an excellent session at Springfield. It was fantastic to see the student communication skills being challenged & some superb selling skills going on!
The groups demonstrated their exceptional listening skills, following instructions being perfectly delivered. It was also particularly impressive to hear some of the students asking questions about the more technical aspects related to photocopiers.
We are very grateful to Apex for their continued support”.
Debbie Snelson, Commercial Manager of Apex commented;
“The students at Springfield School are always so welcoming & eager to get participate. Safe Opportunities are determined to make things happen in terms of supporting local young people with work related learning opportunities, & they are certainly seeing some outstanding results. Apex Action loves supporting their projects.”
“Apex Action” is Apex’s volunteering & funding initiative for school & community projects. They are always up for a challenge and doing something a bit different! If you think they can support your project contact Debbie on debbie.snelson@apexconnected.com to discuss further..