Apex Proudly Supports Humanitarian Neil Henson in his Ukraine Mission
The brutalised war in Ukraine brought on by Russia, shows us daily the hardship of war and its terrible consequences.
The suffering is beyond our wildest imagination. Thousands have died and it is estimated that up to 9 million people have been displaced by the horrific violence.
As winter approaches, now more than ever, it is vital to get essential supplies out quickly to the besieged regions and to the millions of people displaced.
As part of the start of our Ukraine fundraising, we are supporting humanitarian Neil Henson.
Often, at his own transportation and logistical cost, he is taking urgently needed medical and health care supplies directly into Eastern Ukraine, to alleviate human and animal suffering.
Neil’s fundraising below is aimed at relieving animal suffering; however, Neil is also transporting human hygiene and sanitary goods to give to people in the war torn regions.
For this latest journey Apex are pleased to provide support for the transportation costs.
MD, Chris Hutchings comment:
Neil is my cousin. When Neil told me about his humanitarian mission, I was moved by his story, his compassion and bravery. Hearing the harrowing stories from the front-line, has galvanised us to take some action. The support we are giving Neil is the very least that we can do in this terrible conflict.
We will keep you posted on Neil’s progress and we wish him Godspeed and safety.
Find out more here https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/neil-henson