Apex Delivers Record Sales
Apex Connected Ltd. reports record Sales for Financial year ending March 2022, driven by key new client wins, high client retention and refresh rates, due to our laser focus on excellence in client service.
Apex has reported record revenues, number of devices in field and contracts for the financial year, this is despite the impact of the Covid Pandemic and the well documented global computer chip shortages and supply chain disruptions.
60% of income came from device sales with contracted service bringing in 40% of revenues. Key account wins came in the professional services sector and secondary school education.
Chris Hutchings, Apex’s Managing Director, commented:
Our commitment to customer service, operational excellence and a strong team culture have been validated by these results.
These excellent results demonstrate our team’s hard work, the ability to execute in difficult global operating conditions and clearly show the focus on our clients and strategic goals.
I am very grateful to all the Apex team and particularly my fellow director Richard Lamb, who is not only shaping and delivering sales excellence in his division, but who also, is greatly assisting me in developing a winning high-performance business and culture.
We will continue our investment in the business, the best customer service, our Apex team and great products and services.
Image copyright Apex Connected Ltd.