Apex Connected proudly reveals new eye catching company signs and vehicles
Apex Connected, a leading provider of Ricoh and Develop office printers and copiers, is proud to reveal their new eye catching wrapped fleet of vehicles and company signs.
Their completion follows Apex’s relocation to new offices and national distribution centre in Cheshire. Apex’s respect for our planet and our commitment to work far beyond commercial requirements has inspired the designs.
Apex MD Chris Hutchings said:
“As we are set in the countryside, we want our clients to find our showroom and offices easily, and have recognisable company vehicles. Apex has incorporated images from nature which reflect our values, and remind us of our responsibility to the planet and the communities that we serve.
As a responsible partner, Apex is keen to help clients to not only reduce their printings costs, but also their printing usage and volume. Paper production has a massive environmental impact, including deforestation, loss of habitat and environmental pollution. The use of animal imagery is a gentle daily reminder of our mission to help clients to lower their environmental footprint”.
If you want to save money on your printing, and join forces with a partner who works far beyond its’ commercial requirements contact us today on 01948 302066 or e-mail: info@apexconnected.com, to find out how we can help.