Apex Action Helps Students Explore Career Opportunities & Make Cards
On Friday 15th February Apex’s Commercial Manager, Debbie Snelson was invited to Springfield School in Crewe to deliver an “Exploring Work” session. The programme, provided by the school in conjunction with Helen Pullan of Safe Opportunities, is designed to help students make their transition from school to the workplace as easy as possible & fully equipped with the skills they need.
As a provider of office copiers & printers the students learned about the Apex team. They discussed the diversity of roles offered by the business which included sales people, customer service personnel & photocopier engineers. They then considered the sorts of skills that might be needed in order to carry out the roles.
The students also discussed the products sold by Apex & what a photocopier is used for. They learned about finishing options such as booklet making, stapling, folding & hole-punching, as well as deliberated pricing & how it might differ due to the scope of functionality options or speed. They also examined samples of paper & card & specifically noted the different textures, thicknesses & sizes.
One of the favourite parts of the day was card making. The activity demonstrated a practical use of photocopiers, as well as enabling students to use their creative & motor skills. Debbie brought along a large selection of images printed using a photocopier. The students enjoyed choosing & intricately cutting out the images, then together with crafting stamps & Washi tape designed some amazing Birthday & Thank You Cards to take home for their friends & families.
Debbie Snelson, Apex’s Commercial Manager commented:
“It’s always a pleasure coming to Springfield School. The students are so enthusiastic about learning & engaging in the sessions. We had great fun making cards today, I hope they brought a smile to the face of those receiving them!”
“Apex Action” is Apex’s volunteering & funding initiative for school & community projects. They are always up for a challenge & doing something a bit different! If you’d like to see whether they can support your project contact Debbie on debbie.snelson@apexconnected.com or call 01948 302066 to discuss further.